Women's Bible Study Summer Plans - New Day!

As we get into summer, the morning women’s Bible study is moving to Thursdays, 9:30-11:00 AM. This will begin on Thursday, June 24. We will meet on Monday, June 14 as our last Monday meeting and then begin Thursdays the following week. The basic schedule and format will remain the same, with the children’s room opening at 9:15 AM and staying open until 11:30 AM to allow for plenty of time for connecting. Please make sure to RSVP if you’re bringing children.

Our study for the summer will be the Sermon on the Mount, featuring the video teaching of Jen Wilkin along with discussion and prayer. Even if you’re in and out some during the summer, still plan to check it out and come when you can, because there is so much good in every session.

In addition to the Thursday morning meeting, we will have study guides available for those who want to dig in more deeply on their own throughout the week.

This morning Bible study is open to all available women, whether you’re a member of Resurrection, a new visitor, or not part of Resurrection at all. It’s a great place to connect with God and with other women!
