Easter is more than an event
Easter is an event, of course. The first Easter, nearly 2000 years ago, was a particular day that Jesus rose up from the dead. It is right that we celebrate this most important day of human history every year with special events of many kinds. But it is so much more than just an annual celebration. For with His resurrection, Jesus guaranteed eternal life to all who believe in Him. Moreover, he created a new resurrection community, connecting together all who believe in Him and the power of His resurrection, regardless of their past, background, or differences. Easter is an invitation into a brand-new life in relationship with God and with His people. Join us for one or more of the events below to connect with God and others this Easter season. For the events that involve food and/or stuffed eggs, RSVP is appreciated!
Worship Services
Palm Sunday Worship - april 13 - 11:15 AM
Join us for worship at the Princess Anne Rec Center as we remember the day the righteous king Jesus entered Jerusalem to reign in a way that nobody expected
Good Friday Liturgical Dinner - april 18 - 5:30 PM
Join us for a special evening of food, songs, and prayers reflecting on Jesus’ death and its meaning for us, centered around his seven last words on the cross. For more explanation, see this document and also RSVP for specific location and so we know to expect you.
Easter Sunrise - april 20 - 6:15 AM
Come to welcome the first light of Easter and the promise of light forevermore with a simple service of readings and songs that celebrate the story of God’s faithfulness culminating in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. There will be a light breakfast after the service.
Easter Worship - april 20 - 11:15 AM
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the new community that he forms with a full service of worship. Stay for a picnic lunch and fellowship!
Both Easter services will be at The Culpepper Barn (2041 Indian River Rd, behind The Bee & The Biscuit and Sawdust Road - enter from Indian River)
Community Connections
Flashlight egg hunt - Saturday, April 12 - 6:30 / 7:45 PM
Join us on Kenwood Ct in Red Mill Farms for a flashlight egg hunt! Pizza and party start at 6:30, hunt begins at 7:45. Firepit and s’mores to follow! RSVP here
Classic egg hunt - Sunday, April 13 - 4 PM
Join us at Bellamy Woods Park for a classic egg hunt. Candy-filled eggs, snacks, and a creative telling of the Easter story! RSVP here
Classic egg hunt - Saturday, April 19 at 10:30 AM
Join us at Foxfire Park for a classic egg hunt. Candy-filled eggs, snacks, and a creative telling of the Easter story! RSVP here
Resources for Home
daily prayer project
A daily guide for prayer & Bible reading to use on your own, or together with friends and family. Check out the details here
music for the easter season
Check out Andrew Peterson’s Resurrection Letters series of albums.
bible reading
If you read Matthew 21 (Jesus’ triumphal entry) on Palm Sunday, and then read one chapter of Matthew each day that week, you will finish with Matthew 28 (Jesus’ resurrection) on Easter Sunday!