Whatever your religious background (or none at all) you’re welcome to come and visit our worship service and participate in as much as you feel comfortable. We’ll try to explain the parts that might seem strange and we’ll certainly be glad to meet you and get to know you!
The Basics
Worship is Sunday mornings at 11:15 AM the Princess Anne Rec Center. The doors to the rec center open at 11 AM and you go to the right when you come inside. We have coffee and bagels out in the welcome room from 11-11:15 AM. We also have a Sunday School hour at 9:30 AM at VLC, adjacent to the rec center. You can also join us online through Zoom if you’re sick or otherwise not able to make it in person.
Children are welcome in our worship service, noise and wiggles and all. We do have a nursery right next to the sanctuary for ages 0-3. Before the sermon, children preK to 2nd grade are invited to go to an active and age-appropriate kids lesson down the hall. For more details about the children’s program, click here.
Our worship service follows the pattern of God speaking and us responding. He speaks through his word, the Bible, as we read it out at multiple points in the service and we respond with our prayers, our songs, and our hearts.
Our music is focused on enhancing congregational singing as we join all our voices in worship together. We sing a variety of songs from different Christian traditions and time periods, including older hymns set to newer tunes and more contemporary songs with rich lyrics that shape our hearts toward God. You can listen to some of our favorites here.
Each week, we hear a portion of God’s Word read, explained, illustrated, and applied. Typically, our sermons progress straight through books of the Bible, but occasionally we address topics from multiple places in Scripture. You can check out recent sermons here or search for Resurrection Community Church in your favorite podcast app.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly as we are fed and strengthened by good with his spiritual food. All baptized Christians who are seeking to follow Jesus (even imperfectly!) are welcome to join us in the Supper, even if you’re just visiting. If you’re not a Christian, we’re very glad for you to join our services and observe and reflect during the Supper, even as you don’t take the bread and wine (don’t worry it won’t be awkward).
We baptize older children and adults (who have not previously been baptized) upon their profession of faith as the formal mark of Jesus washing away their sins and their entrance into the church, the family of God. We also baptize the small children of believers, in recognition of God’s covenant promises and expectant faith of God’s work in their lives as they grow up in the church.