SB2w Red Mill 2025 Details

Ages: 5-13, rising grades K-8th
Dates: July 7-18 (Mon-Fri)
Location: 2180 McComas Way, in the facilities of Cornerstone Bible Church
- we also walk to the adjacent PA rec center for swimming (ages 8-13) and Strawbridge Elementary for field sports
Times: 9 AM to 4 PM
Half Camp (9 AM to 12 PM) option for ages 5-7
$300/child ($150 for half camp)
- In addition, ages 8-13 must have an active rec center membership ($25/month, $40/year)

Special dates/activities during camp:
July 9 - Boys overnight (ages 8-13)
July 10 - Girls overnight (ages 8-13)
July 13 - Camp Sunday (join us at Resurrection)
July 16 - Track Meet
July 17 - Swim Meet
July 18 - closing ceremony and all-camp picnic (half-day for all)

Select SB2W Red Mill on the form below (you’re also welcome to register for other locations on the same form)