Covid Update (12/16/2020)

As we pass the 9-month mark of dealing with this pandemic, we continue to seek to honor God first of all, love our neighbors well, and obey the lawful orders of our civil authorities.

Governor Northam recently announced new Covid measures that went into effect this past Monday. Here is what those mean for different areas of our church:

Sunday Worship: Nothing changes. We will continue to meet both in-person and online each Sunday. For in-person worship, masks are required while inside the building (normal exceptions apply) and people who are experiencing fever or Covid symptoms, have had a positive test in the last 10 days, or been exposed in the past 14 days should join from home. We have plenty of space in the sanctuary to maintain a six-foot distance for seating and the governor’s orders place no restrictions on the total number as long as masking and distancing are practiced.

Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols: Same guidelines as Sunday worship, though we are also asking attendees to this special service to make reservations here so we can ensure proper seating and distancing.

Neighborhood Bible Studies: The Monday night Red Milll Farms Bible study will be moving exclusively to Zoom. Anyone is welcome to join in this time of connecting with one another and with God (Mondays at 7), even if you haven’t come before. The Thursday night Salem Bible study will take a break for Christmas and re-evaluate in January.

Other church gatherings: All other church gatherings will be following the mask and size guidelines laid out by Governor Northam. That means meeting outside whenever possible, wearing masks whenever inside, wearing masks outside if distance can’t be maintained, and group sizes of 10 or less.

Questions? Contact us